Chartwells Cafeteria Service
The South Henry School Corporation is proud to partner with Chartwells to provide food service for our students and staff. Our mission is to provide nutritionally balanced meals according to the USDA National School Breakfast and Lunch Child Nutrition Programs at reasonable cost to students, staff and guests. Our goal is to operate a child focused nutrition program that provides a variety of healthy food choices to ensure students’ readiness to learn while implementing the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
The food service program is operated under the federally funded National School Lunch Act and Child Nutrition Act. The federal laws regulating the food service programs are administered by the United States Department of Agriculture through the regional office and implemented by the Indiana Department of Education. The Food and Nutrition Services program is financially self-supporting.
Chartwells Cafeteria Service
Angie Zentz , Director of Dining Services
765-987-7882 ext/ 204